how to have the best school year ever

I’m not even going to lie. I really enjoy school a lot and I think it’s because I’m making the most of school. I’m going into year 11 this year, which is going to be super stressful, but I have been given a lot of advice from my friends that have already finished school and my teachers. Last year was one of my favourite years at school because it was a fresh start, there were new amazing people and its was just such a good year. Here are some tips that I have picked up and that I wanted to share with you all so you can have the best year at school.

stay out of drama
Drama has stress and sadness written all over it. Stay away from drama at all costs. Don’t get involved with arguments and fights because it will make your whole year so miserable. Keep a positive attitude and don’t dwell on things. Keep your thoughts to yourself and mind your own business. Drama is just going to put a lot of stress on you that you really don’t need.

get involved in as much stuff as you can
Take it from me. Get involved in as much stuff that you can within your school. But make sure you want to be involved. Don’t do it if you don’t want to. There are so many co-curricular activities within my school and I tried to get involved in as much as possible and I was so happy. I met so many amazing people because of it and I really enjoyed myself.

focus on the present not the future
All your teachers will make a big thing about year 12 and your year 12 exams. Don’t stress about it, because at the end of the day it’s a mark. It really doesn’t define you as a person. You have so much potential and exams stress everyone out and your year 12 exams aren’t a true representation of you as a person. Sounds super cliché but its so true!

organise and plan
Get a diary for school. Trust me! Our school provides each and every student with our own diary which is so helpful. Use your diary to manage homework and assessments. I recently started using google calendar and I know its going to be extremely helpful. Organise when you need to study and plan out when you can fit everything into your life.

build a strong relationship with at least one teacher
I think this is important because you are stuck with your teachers for at least a year. Probably more! Most teachers want the best for their students and if you have a strong relationship with your teachers, they will support you and help you out no matter what. They can also give you great advice with how to handle certain situations and can help you with your schoolwork.

prioritise the things you love
We had this guy come and talk to our grade last year and he said that you should prioritise the things that you love because if you don’t you will burn out and you won't be enjoying your life. School is important but it isn’t the most important thing in your life. Happiness is. Do the things that make you happy. But still work hard at school and hand your assessments and homework in on time.

back up your work
This is super important for a good year. Because if your laptop dies or you delete all your schoolwork you will be so stressed, and you will have to do so much work to get it all back. Trust me I deleted my folder filled with every single assessment and piece of work from 2019 and I was so stressed. But luckily, I got it back. But backup everything you do. Your future self will thank yourself later.

stop complaining
I will admit. I did complain a lot last year, but I’ve now learnt not to complain because majority of the time you end up having to do it anyways. You might as well put your head down and just get on with the task. Complaining makes everyone’s life a whole lot worse. So, stop it and get on with whatever it is you have to do.

That’s all the advice I have for you today to have the best year ever at school. I hope you found something useful and you enjoy your 2020 school year. I love you all very much and I’ll see you in the very near future.

Eliza xx

M Y   S O C I A L   M E D I A S
i n s t a g r a m  – elizaschoenmaker
s n a p c h a t  – eschoenmaker11
s p o t i f y  – elizaschoenmaker
t w i t t e r – elizaschoenmake
p i n t e r e s t  – elizaschoenmaker
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