16 Things I've Learnt in 16 Years

Hi guys! I turned 16 in June and I decided that I wanted to share with you all a few life lessons I’ve learned at 16 years old.

1.         Being alone and being lonely are two completely different things.
2.         Work hard in school and it will pay off in the future. Trust me!
3.         Take pictures! You won’t regret it (only until your camera roll is full. Haha!).
4.         Stop giving more than you get especially when it comes to relationships. Whether it’s your friends, boyfriend or even your family. If you are giving a lot to the relationship and you are feeling as if you aren’t getting as much back step away and rethink a few things.
5.         Not everyone is going to like you and that’s totally okay. You don’t need everyone to like you just a few good people!
6.         Your health should be your number one priority all the time. This is something that I am focusing on right now because it is so important, and it was something that I used to not prioritise as my number one but it is so important and I’ve been feeling a lot better recently.
7.         Parents notice fake friends before you do. So, take their advice and be mindful.
8.         Be spontaneous!
9.         Put yourself out there and get involved in as many things as you can. (that you enjoy or have an interest in) I have made so many friends through different things at school and outside of school. Its hard at the start when you know no one but, once you get to know a few people it’s so much more entertaining.
10.    Prioritise the things that you love because it will make your life way more exciting. 
11.    Stop caring about what other people think of you because it isn’t worth your time overthinking it and you’ll be a lot happier.
12.    Drinking isn’t that cool.
13.    Your definition of success is different to everyone else. For example, you might think that 75% on a test isn’t the best but someone might think that 75% on a test is really really good and I think it's important to know what you’re aiming for and treat yourself when you are feeling proud.
14.    Quality over quantity when it comes to friends!
15.    Don’t plan out your day, week or life because it is not worth your time and it will make you more stressed. Well for me anyway. For example, if I plan out my week and I miss something or I’m running behind I then get really stressed and feel like I haven’t accomplished anything, but you just haven’t given yourself enough time.
16.    Be kind, everyone is fighting their own battles so always be kind. :)

ps. photo creds to Sophie!

That’s all folks! See you in the very near future.
Happy Monday! :)

Eliza xx


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