How to Organise your Binder for School

I want to start off by saying I know I didn’t post last night but I was spending time with one of my friends that I won’t see in a while, so I just wanted to spend some quality time with her. BUT I do have a post tonight. If you are using a binder this year or are this is your first year using one, I hope these tips help you out! 

©     Colour Code

If you know me, you will know I love everything organised and I love highlighting EVERYTHING. If you are using a binder for school this year give each subject a colour. TRUST me it helps with everything. So just say maths was purple. Make your maths binder, textbook study book (if you have one) and maths on your timetable purple. And have each subject or class a different colour. I started this in year 7 and each year the subject has been the same colour every year and it just makes everything more organised.

©     Choose the right Binder

Don’t get a massive binder that everyone else uses if you aren’t going to fill it or its too bulky. Get a binder that works for you. Some people like three-ring some people like two rings. Some people like thick ones some like thin. It's up to you and then you can figure out what works for you.

©     Your Binder, Your Decision

Figure out what is going to be in your binder. Last year I took one binder to school with all my subjects in it and then when I came home and when I finished a topic, I then transferred the work into their own individual binders for each class. That didn’t really work for me last year. It got way too confusing and I didn’t need that many binders so this year I’m trying something different. But again, it’s up to you so try and figure out what works for you.

©     Dividers

Dividers save your life. It makes your binder so much easier to navigate and it helps you stay organised. Last year I made my won binder using scrapbook paper and I loved it so much cause they all matched and worked together with my theme. I am also making my own this year as well and I’m making my friend some as well.  I think making your own is such a good idea because you can personalise it to your liking and its fun as well.

©     Whole Punch

I was the only one out of my friends that used a binder hole punch last year and I used it so much and my friends were also asking to borrow it whenever we got handouts in class. I can tell you now that it’s a lifesaver. They are super easy to use, and they are cheap as well. They just slot in at the front of your binder (or wherever you want it) and you can just hole punch your sheet there and then when you get it. Then you won’t lose the sheets or ask your teacher for a hole punch because most of the time your teachers don’t have one either. 

©     Personalised Planner

I personally don’t have a personalised planner because my school provides me with a diary but if you don’t have a diary just find some print outs online or make your own homework or assessment schedule or planner. It’s so much easier and you won't ever forget to do your assessments or homework ever again. You can also personalise it to make it easy for you to remember and keep your work organised.

©     Write the Date

Write the date at the top of every page. Trust me do it. All your teachers tell you to do and its boring but trust me when it comes to end of year exams it’s a lifesaver. Even if you dropped your binder or it broke, and all the pages went everywhere if you have the dates on it you can easily put it all back together.

©     Key to Success

I’m only just starting using a key this year. So, I don’t know if this is going to work for me, but we will see how this goes. A lot of people swear by this and they say it helps them stay super organised and makes all your notes easy to read. It just makes your whole binder the same and it's easy to read.

©     Timetable

Along with my diary, my school also provides us with a paper timetable and not a digital copy which is so much easier. There is also a slot in the front of our diary for our timetable to slot into which is so handy. If your school doesn’t do that for you then I suggest you print one out. Put into your binder. Colour code it and you will be set. It's so helpful and handy to have it in your binder for easy access.

Eliza xx

S O C I A L   M E D I A S
instagram: @elizaschoenmaker
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